What is the best way to get this girl?

So recently I found this Christian singles mixer group in my area. It's great because it is for Christians around my age group. I joined their Whatsapp group a couple of weeks ago and I jave even started talking to the group founder about helping plan events.

So yesterday, for the first time, I attended one of their singles mixers. It was fun, except I really didn't meet anyone that I found attractive. Except for one person: The founder and leader of the group.

When I finally got to meet her in person, I found her to be very beautiful, charming and confident. Just my type. But I never really got the chance to build a rapport with her because she was busy with the event.

So I texted her this morning letting her know that I had fun and that I would like to help her out with any future events since I love the group so much. Part of the reason I am doing this is so I can closer to her and maybe hit it off with her.

What is the best way for me to woo her given the situation?