I've answered Christ's call
Just wanted to share that I've finally accepted Christ into my life.
I was born in an agnostic household, so I had contact with various religious beliefs from all over the world as I grew up. However, Jesus always had a special place in my heart somehow.
I started reading the Bible a few months ago. Once I finished the Gospels, I felt it was time to finally go to church. The Greek tradition is the one that I connected the most with on a spiritual level when I did my research, so I attended the nearest Orthodox church and was mesmerised by the experience. The icon you see was a gift from the priest.
Eventually, I hope to get baptised and grow closer to the Lord each day. We all need it in these times of global conflict where hatred seems to reign.
Blessings to you all Luke 6:37
Just wanted to share that I've finally accepted Christ into my life.
I was born in an agnostic household, so I had contact with various religious beliefs from all over the world as I grew up. However, Jesus always had a special place in my heart somehow.
I started reading the Bible a few months ago. Once I finished the Gospels, I felt it was time to finally go to church. The Greek tradition is the one that I connected the most with on a spiritual level when I did my research, so I attended the nearest Orthodox church and was mesmerised by the experience. The icon you see was a gift from the priest.
Eventually, I hope to get baptised and grow closer to the Lord each day. We all need it in these times of global conflict where hatred seems to reign.
Blessings to you all Luke 6:37