how to not idolize strong desires?
hi everyone! My question is to anyone who had taken and goals, dreams, desires to God. There is one certain area in my life, but I am praying for breakthrough in. but I often hear a lot of discussion about that worrying or wanting something too much is an idol. I’m seeking advice on the best way to navigate situations like these. I’m not seeing this breakthrough as a solution to all my problems or the bane of my existence. but it is something I strongly desire. It is something that I pray about every day, but I also make sure to pray over other areas of my life, praying for others, as well as just giving thanks. I’m not sure if its a bad thing that I pray about it so often, but I’m just trying to be intentional with prayer as I have grown in my spiritual life to have the courage to bring to God specific things that are on my heart. I get confused because I’ve heard that too much over something is a sign of lack of faith, while others should pray without ceasing over the areas of your life you want help with. Any insights would be greatly appreciated! I am just trying to bring God into my world war by going to him for things instead of going about my own way, but I also don’t want to dishonour him through idolization.