My Head Feels Like It’s Going To Explode

28yo female. Extremely heavy feeling in my head, like my brain has been stuffed with lead or something. Neck pain, fatigue, but the pressure in my head feels like it's going to explode. Been dealing with this for weeks. My mouth feels sore too.

I thought it was sinus related but my nose is clear except for the tiniest bit of clear mucus at the back of my throat.

It's gotten to the point of ruining my mental health. Months before this I had been dealing with waking up multiple times a night with a racing heart beat. It had gotten better for a while but it's back full force.

I took a nap today and it made the pressure go from manageable to unbearable. I feel like I'm gonna die and low key kinda want to at this point. I'm seeing my PCP on Tuesday but I don't think it'll do much good. Anyone experience anything similar?