This meta is so lame and shameful
I've been using hog mortar or 2.6 hog for years now, and it's just unplayable/unwinnable unless you're Oyassu levels of skill. I played hundreds of matches this season with 2.6 hog and every win I'm just barely scraping by and even my losses I tend to outplay my opponent the entire match until some evo meganut/evo recruit spam eventually behaves in a weird way and gets to my tower despite trying to kite. Decks where 1 mistake costs you the whole game, and the opponent has to make 100 mistakes for you to have a chance of winning were never going to be meta but they were at least viable and so much fun to play. But in this current meta those skill cycle decks just aren't worth it to play. I switched to some madeup, 0 synergy, braindead megaknight goblinstein deck and I win so easily now, I barely even have to pay attention to the match. Just drop a megaknight on their hog and lightning their tower/troop on the counterpush = free wins. Sure I'm winning, but I feel so ashamed for winning this way, but SuperCell prefers this style of gameplay over edge-of-your-seat razor's edge gameplay.
Just so sad for a veteran of the game to have to resort to brainrot decks just to have a chance to win these days.