full time conversion MSc - what are the hours like?

I'm applying for psych conversion MSc this year to begin end of next year, and I'm torn between choosing to study part time or full time. I'm saving as much money as possible right now working a MH support worker, and I'll apply for a masters loan also, so I may be able to focus entirely on study (if I choose full time study for 1 year) which would be nice.

I'm wondering what the hours are like on part time vs full time - would I have time to work part time in a psych-related job while studying full time? Or are the hours too intense for that?

Part time would obviously take 2 years, and full time 1 year, so there's part of me that would love to complete it in 1 year - I'm pretty resilient but I don't want to overwhelm myself.

Let me know what your experiences were :) thanks !