New Dva Minor Perk Ideas
Both of Dva's current minor perks aim to help her when she is out of mech, but they are kind of boring and hard to feel the impact of. I've created some new perks that buff baby Dva like the devs want, while also being a little bit more fun and interactive than what she has now. Both give her a new ability when she is demeched that lets players choose how they want to play as baby Dva.
Minor Perk 1 - Lag Switch
New Ability 1: Pilot Dva tosses a grenade that creates a small slowing and damaging field wherever it lands.
(A more offensive option for her. She can throw it into a crowd of enemies for extra ult charge, or can use it to help win a 1v1 duel. She can also use it directly after launching Self Destruct in the hopes of slowing an enemy enough for them to get hit by the explosion.)
Minor Perk 2 - Bye Bye Baby
New Ability 1: Pilot Dva consumes a pill that will instantly kill her after 2 seconds. If she dies this way, she will have 2 seconds shaved off her respawn timer.
(Allows the player to stop any potential stagger. Enemies can stop her from getting the reduced spawn time if they kill her before the pill activates. Either way, Dva dies and the stagger is prevented.)