Cory should retire.
Hello everyone my name is tygezu and iv been a Cory fan since I was 9 during the very popular era of yandere sim (fuck the dev) so 2015 anyways I really think Cory should retire from YouTube. I know that’s not ideal for most of us but Cory is now 31 as of Nov 9th if u didn’t know nd it’s really starting to feel like he’s still on yt bcuz of his fan base if it wasn’t for that he probably woulda retired LONG ago but I personally don’t think he enjoys being on YouTube as much as he used to nd I wouldn’t blame him 1. his breaks are more common now 2. They are always 3 months or more. I love Cory and he’ll forever be my favorite yter ever nd a very big role model to me but I think it might be time to let him go we’re getting older nd we’re not gonna be on YouTube as frequently as we were as kids nd yea in 2021-22 he “blew up” up TikTok nd got a lot of younger people to watch him which is great but kids now and days are watching Kai, speed nd the next generation of streamer/youtubers and Cory is a pioneer for these new people (especially African Americans) he’ll forever be that guy the kids in my hood would chill nd watch when we had nothing to do💀