Alan was *absolutely* cheating, right?
I’m rewatching season 1, having now lived through the dissolution of my own marriage. I guess the first time through I took Alan and Evelyn at face value: he was burned out, she was insecure, and they couldn’t stop sabotaging each other. This time around is a completely different experience.
He behaves the same way my husband did when he was having an affair. The petulance, the weird sudden breakdowns about tangential issues (like his dad), the disgust with Evelyn’s need for reassurance…and most of all his righteous indignation. As if he’s suffered through her insecurities more than any rational person would.
In ep 2 there’s a shot of him sitting at a bar or a lunch counter, talking to a waitress. She’s pointing at items on the menu in his hands. They’re both leaning into each other, smirking. It’s so cringe. He’s looking at her like a starved muskrat. He had to have known he was on camera. Clearly he didn’t give two shits.
He was 100% doing all the things Evelyn suspected. Right?! 100%. And worse, letting his dad in on all of it.