Anyone having issues using your card? (Details inside)

I’ve tried to use my card in my local corner shop (£10.14 and £6.41) to buy snacks and the payments show up as “cancelled” on the little card machine.

• I have topped up my card with funds to cover the changes yet it doesn’t want spend funds (oddly I can use my card online and it works no problem)

• I have the successful top up emails with my card balance showing funds loaded and ready to use

• Support said card systems are working normally and there is no issue with my account nor card

• I’ve had my account for 5+ years and this card has been used in shops before (for the last year or so)

Literally don’t see what’s up with my card but wanna see if anyone else is having an issue and/or if you have any theories about potential issues.

Thanks in advance ☺️