The Cuphead Show is massively overrated.

I've made posts before about how Cuphead isn't a good character and the lack of finger guns in this show, but I'd thought I'd share my general consensus about it. It's really, really, REALLY not that great. The only reason people love it is because of the animation, which admittedly is pretty good at times. However, decent animation can't save this show from being a sucky adaptation which barely follows the game at all. Not once do the brothers actually fight anyone in the show. They always run away. Yeah, because why make an exciting action-packed show where Cuphead and Mugman courageously battle fierce opponents and gather soul contracts for the Devil when we can have a show where they run away from all their enemies like pussies?

Another problem with the show is the voice actors. Many of the voice actors bounce around from being passable in their roles to not sounding right at all (The ones for Cuphead, Mugman, and King Dice come to mind.) Sometimes, they pull off a funny line delivery or two, but other times, it sounds like they wandered into the wrong cartoon. The Devil is the only one whose voice actor fits and gives a good performance. Grey as Chalice was fine too, I guess, but she just sounds like Daphne or Azula with a Brooklyn accent.

Next problem: the characters. Cuphead is an unbearably stupid asshole who I want to cause physical harm to every time I see him. When Mugman got kidnapped by the Devil and he was sad, I didn't feel bad for him for one second. It's exactly like the emotional scenes in Helluva Boss that involve Blitzo. Why should I care about him when he acts like a stupid twat all the time? It's not a good sign when I'm rooting for the Devil to rip him limb from limb and torture him in the fiery pits of hell. Speaking of which, the Devil has gone from being the frightening big bad of the Inkwell Isles to an unamusing joke. I know the writers wanted to give him flaws and more character, but he still has to be, you know, the villain everyone fears. The whole point of the game was to collect soul contracts to fulfill the brothers’ agreement with him because they knew he was pretty much unbeatable at the time. Having the two brothers beat him over and over again in the show makes him seem like way less of a threat than he should be. Whoever came up with the idea to make the DEVIL, the literal king of the underworld, a minor threat is an incredibly stupid individual. And even when they try to make him scary again in the Season 3 Chalice episodes, by that point, we can't take him seriously anymore because we know he isn't going to win. Yes, that's also the case in the game, but at least we didn't fight him multiple times before the final showdown. He's the BIG BAD and you're not supposed to be able to beat the big bad until the ending of the game or show.

Other characters range from being average (Elder Kettle) to kind of good (Chalice). The only "heroic" character who’s actually tolerable most of the time is Mugman. He's respectful, sensible, and is almost never mean to anyone. He should've been the main character and Cuphead should've been the stupid sidekick no one likes. However, the best character is undoubtedly Henchman. I love that little purple demon. He is pure and he can do no wrong.

And the last problem is... the jokes. A lot of the jokes in this show involved one of the characters being an asshole to another character for no reason and I can't stand it. A mean character can be funny, but it takes a skilled writer who knows to craft good jokes. Yet for some reason, so many shows like Rick and Morty, Helluva Boss, Family Guy, Solar Opposites, and this show think just cause a character is being a dick and/or abusing someone, it's automatically funny. Well, it's not. Smiling Friends is a new show that premiered this year and many of its characters were actually polite to one another despite the insanity of the show. And you know what, the jokes were still funny. My point is when the main character in a show about facing off against the Devil is actually ruder and more unlikable than the Devil, you know there's a problem. And that sucks because there are actually parts of this show I enjoy, but I can't enjoy them because the parts I hate keep popping up. This show is overrated and is nowhere near the masterpiece audiences are saying it is.