Ran into Wizard yesterday.

Late game, random squad, we got pushed on high rise by a blue and red bunny. One of our team goes to the top of train station and immediately calls out the red bunny as sus. Red bunny and I trade a few sniper headshots. He's got this thing where he pops up and immediately headshots me even if I've moved positions.

I have a suspicion that it's Wizard by the movement and accuracy and bunny suit. We trade a few, he and Quix push, my idiot teammate goes down to PA. Wizard pushes a zip, and fade away knifes me as I'm SMGing him.

Log on to YT and yep, it's Wizard and Quix. Fight starts at about 1:59 of yesterday's stream.

I'm not a great player, so I die all the time, and I didn't report because I never saw anything definitive, but it was interesting that how immediately different his movement and accuracy felt from everybody else.