Do I Even Like Destiny?
TLDR-at the bottom
Let me say this first, this is not a doomer post about how there is a lack of content, bad monetization, bugs or that destiny is a dead game. None of that.
My experience with destiny I played D1 but barely remember it, I was kid and didn’t have money to buy expansion and what not so I played the base game, and a little of vanguard grind, that’s it. D2 released and I played its campaign, played it for some too. I was in a position to buy expansions, and bought the beyond light expansion , played the campaign. Then I dropped it after the DCV I was upset they removed titan and other stuff so I just stoped playing, after I finished the campaign. This past month I’ve been getting back into destiny even bought all the expansions and finished them still have final shape stuff to do like unlocking all the augments for prismatic class. As I continue to play Im realizing that I’m not even playing 60% of the game.
My disinterest I don’t like a lot of the guns in destiny such as trace rifle, fusion rifle, shotguns, swords, and most pulse rifles. I’ve never liked shotguns in any game really same with pulse rifles. The only pulse rifles in games I’ve ever like was the hemlock in Titianfall 2 and outbreak in D2. I don’t like the others. Also fusion rifles, similar to shotguns I just don’t like the way they feel, they are cheap in PvP, and feel bad to use to me. Swords are kinda fun but idk I’d rather have a machine gun or grenade launcher. But my real gripe with this game is the GD gimmicks or “ mechanics” I almost didn’t finish the final shape campaign because of the stupid mission where you had to pick up a sword and deflect the projectiles to the sigils that made me so mad that didn’t play the campaign for 2 days, I was about to look for someone to do the quest for me. I hate when I’m made to use a weapon I don’t want to like on the moon using a sword to break the witch’s barrier is so INFURIATING and the swords don’t have air combos so you just jump hit jump hit jump hit. I HATE IT. Here recently I did my first dungeon (free one) and if I didn’t matchmake with someone who knew what they were doing I would have left. Killing the servitors then launching them through those launchers that you have to activate with the scorch cannon. I was afk during that I let the other two handle it, that shit was dumb. Same reason I don’t play any raids. Don’t even get me started on those stupid idiotic down right rage inducing frustrating exotic missions. 3 hours of trying to do the outbreak thing on expert 20MINS!!! The fk 20mins like that’s not enough time. I always get to Trevor with like 5mins or less like, I still haven’t done it and I probably wont. I just don’t like gimmicks in my fps, I just want to shoot and loot not do all this “oh shoot the sigil that matched the other sigil you saw on your way here”. If I have to pick up one more relic sword to do some dumb shit I’m gonna flip, those things are so boring to use, they have the most basic of basic move sets a sword can have its sooooo annoying I almost just leave the activity.
Also I don’t play pvp, I mean never say never, but I don’t find it particularly enjoyable. Some exotic missions that require me to get guardian takedowns are still sitting in my quest log. Only recently did I do the witherhorde one for the catalyst. I’m very bad at pvp in these types of games I’m more of a hero shooter PvP (overwatch-rivals) and that’s it.
TLDR I don’t play raids, dungeons, exotic missions, PvP, also don’t use shotguns, any fusion guns, trace rifles, and pulse rifles.
Conclusion The more content I consume about destiny I realize that the community likes the puzzles and gimmicks in the game and I’m like no those ruin it. So I wanted to see what others thought. Do the puzzles make destiny destiny or do others feel the same about how the gimmicks are to hard to understand and also don’t play the other 60% of the game?
Edit: reading some comments and some things I forgot to mention, like the parts I enjoy. Also I only play warlock, don’t really feel like playing through the campaigns 2 more times. The gun play, I have never played a fps or any gun game that felt as good as destiny. I like having fps mix with hero shooter like abilities. It’s cool and making builds is kinda fun, love the exotic arm guard that gave infinite solar grenades when getting kills with powered melee. The movement is nice, the enemy variety is nice when compared to other games I’ve played (Warhammer 2) I also really like the story I think the story of destiny is really cool (if told properly(watching a 4 hour video about it)) I’ve even thought up my own precursor story line -off topic like the traveler was made by a ancient race to flee from the witness (or whoever) and ghosts aren’t actually robots they are the souls of the ancient race, who’ve had their memories lost kinda like how when guardians are resurrected to turn into a ghost you lose your memory. Also I don’t farm “god rolls” I mean I look for them but if a gun feels good to use I use it. Also pulse rifle extends to sidearms and hand cannon with the heavy burst frame.