AITA - sharing city sidewalks with other dogs??!!

Context: last month I got my 2yo Labrador SDiT. We have been working on loose leash walking (marking & treating for proximity) and responding neutrally to other dogs (engage disengage game). He is not yet neutered, so he is naturally interested in other dogs. I live in the city of Boston.

So when walking any dog, I typically avoid passing other dogs on the same sidewalk. This means I either cross the street to the other sidewalk, move onto the street to pass (if possible), or pull far aside (into like a driveway). At the very least, if staying on the same sidewalk, I switch my dog to my far/outside side (create the most distance from other dog) and put them in a treated heel to ensure the least interaction. Even with my last foster who was super dog friendly, I did this.

I do this for a few reasons: 1. I want to teach dog neutrality 2. I dislike on leash interactions 3. I don’t know if the other dog is dog friendly (respect for the other owner/ safety for my dog) 4. I find most owners do not train dog neutrality and I don’t trust them to control their dog (aka let their dog be all over mine)

Maybe it comes from the experience of having a reactive dog (my first foster), but I think this aspect of dog ownership is very important.

Anyway, with my current pup, both cuz he’s a SDiT and we are only a month in, I typically switch sidewalks. So yesterday, we were practicing loose leash walking and going quite slow. I first notice another guy and his dog behind us when he was like 100 yards away. He is walking faster, so quickly getting closer. I shoot a couple clear glances back to try to let him know “hey, please give us space”. Normally I just move myself, but in this instance, I couldn’t help but think that since we were in front and he was trying to overtake/pass us, it should be his responsibility to move (we had the “right away”). Anyway, he did not move and instead walked shoulder to shoulder past me looking all damn haughty and I had to practically push my dog into the bushes so he wouldn’t physically come in contact with the other dog (this sidewalk was super narrow). This guys dog was neutral, so didn’t react or anything to my pup, who also did amazing. But I was hella pissed, as I saw this as super disrespectful—we were on a quiet side street, so he easily could have moved onto the street or crossed sidewalks if he wanted to. I called out something like “really dude, you couldn’t have moved onto the street, we are training” and he responded in the most obnoxious tone “it’s a public sidewalk, I can walk wherever I want”.

So I responded “fuck you” to this stranger. Not my best moment, I know; I was having an absolute crap day before him and it pushed me over the edge.

So I know I’m the asshole for telling him fuck you, but my question is, am I the asshole for expecting him to move?