Lore Discussion | What about the Otherworld?
Thanks to the last episode, we learned that the Great Demon Realm existed before the various universes known so far. There is only one Great Demon Realm, with three Demon Realms within it, outside of the universes; in another plane of existence.
But what about the Otherworld, with Heaven and Hell?
According to Daizenshuu guidebooks, each universe has its own Otherworld, above the Realm of Mortals. Based on this information, Enma is only the Ruler of the Otherworld in Universe 7, there are "kings of the dead" in other universes.
But we do not know if Daizenshuu informations are canon anymore, since it also said that each universe had its own Demon Realm below their Mortal Realm, and this has been proven wrong in Daima. The established lore regarding Demon Realm has changed, just like Daima established new stuff related to the Kaiōshin races and origins.
Then, what about dead people in the Demon Realms? Do you think there's an Otherworld connected to these worlds? Are they spread in other universes Hells and Heavens?
Or perhaps Enma is now the ruler of dead people from all universes/realities in the "new Daima canon"?
Thanks to the last episode, we learned that the Great Demon Realm existed before the various universes known so far. There is only one Great Demon Realm, with three Demon Realms within it, outside of the universes; in another plane of existence.
But what about the Otherworld, with Heaven and Hell?
According to Daizenshuu guidebooks, each universe has its own Otherworld, above the Realm of Mortals. Based on this information, Enma is only the Ruler of the Otherworld in Universe 7, there are "kings of the dead" in other universes.
But we do not know if Daizenshuu informations are canon anymore, since it also said that each universe had its own Demon Realm below their Mortal Realm, and this has been proven wrong in Daima. The established lore regarding Demon Realm has changed, just like Daima established new stuff related to the Kaiōshin races and origins.
Then, what about dead people in the Demon Realms? Do you think there's an Otherworld connected to these worlds? Are they spread in other universes Hells and Heavens?
Or perhaps Enma is now the ruler of dead people from all universes/realities in the "new Daima canon"?