Saw the same woman in two different dreams
Okay so the first time I saw her, I was probably around 6 or 7. I was going down the stairs, it was pitched black in the room. (I had a cat and she used to be really scared of everyone. I didn’t liked her in general she gave me the creeps). In the dream, she did appear really nice but then she transformed into that tall woman with black clothes and long black hair. Years later me and my family moved out from that house and the cat did pasted away in the old house. After some years, (like 10) I went to sleep and dreamed about the same thing, but in my new house. I was going down the stairs, the room was all dark and then the same woman reappeared, 10 years later. I was so scared when I woke up, it’s like she’s been following me for many years until she’s been able to reenter my dream.