
I don’t want to necessarily put my shit out there for a micro dissection. I just don’t know who else to talk to, so I’m going to throw this all out there, real ‘quick like’.

I’m a 37 M from CO and have a great, very fortunate, life so far. I was fortunate enough to spend my money that I made when I was younger on travel. I traveled the world, relatively speaking.

But now, I have ‘nothing’ by current society standards. I’m ok with that. That’s not my point here. That’s a different exploration in itself, but my recent dreams have been so soooo very tied into that idea of “failure” that I can’t help but interpret based off of my/our societal norms.

My dreams as of late have been altering. I don’t know how else to describe them. They have been so deep and have corkscrewed into my past (what was, what could have been), that they have almost become a morbid reality that I can refer back to through out my day and just feel and soak in that reality of that dream. It’s almost like another dimension or reality?

I know that sounds crazy. I know. But I’m literally FEELING things in my dreams that don’t exist in the world that I know so far. Am I just fucking nuts?