The vote count is wrong.
I posted about this a while back in the discord and had so many people agreeing with me, but I've never seen anyone else actually bring this up.
So I've noticed that people kick off about the vote count being low because people don't vote properly, however I've noticed that the star count at the end of the round is literally just the wrong number a lot of the time. For example:
There were 9 people in the server, and I know I gave everyone maybe 2-3 stars minimum. However, one particular player I specifically voted 5 Stars but at the end of the round, she had like 10 stars? Even if everyone else voted her 1 star, 7+5 is not 10 lol (7 since she can't vote for herself and I did not vote 1 star). So my 5 star vote seemed to have disappeared into the void I guess?
Anyone else experienced this?