Dunkin Employees, why do you sometimes ask us to pull into a parking spot when we get to the drive-thru window?

Hey, y'all! I'm genuinely always confused by this request and sometimes might get unreasonably aggravated at it.

Look, I know it's not the end of the world, and I can very easily just move my car up 10 feet into a spot and wait for probably 2 minutes at most for my order, but I feel like it's the principle of a drive-thru.

Now if the line is jam-packed, I can understand how you would want to prioritize a simpler order over a complex one to reduce volume, but I've been asked to do this even if the drive-thru has 0-2 cars. My orders aren't even crazy, I just get a brown sugar shaken espresso and a bagel. So like... why?

Is there a metric or order close rate that's monitored that you're trying to beat by the end of the shift? Like I'm genuinely confused and some insight would be great LOL.