Working at the same center/room as my son?
My son is currently 7 months and I am currently an ex-elementary school teacher looking for work. I got laid off at the end of the summer and was enjoying being home. Now due to financial reasons I need to go back to work and I think a daycare center would be the best option. I have worked in daycare before teaching and am very qualified. I am assuming if I get a daycare job I can bring my son to the center and get discounted/free care…is this true? Also, what is the protocol about working in the same room or center as my son? Is this a normal/ideal thing or does this make me less desirable as an employee? I was also thinking of going back into elementary ed but I can’t find any daycare in my small town without a 6 month waitlist for infants. Is this also typical? If I do get hired can my son bypass the waitlist? Thank you in advanced for all your answers and advice!