Will my 4 month old be ok?
We are needing to put our baby into daycare for a period of 7 days when he's 4 months old (6 hours a day). I am dreading it as he is very attached to me (mummy) and is exclusively breastfed.
He is currently 2 months old, and is generally happy to be held, entertained and rocked to sleep by our immediate family, but there are times he really only wants mummy and can't be settled without a breast feed and cuddle with me. He does take a bottle (expressed milk) which has allowed my husband and mum to help out with feeds.
I know lots of babies go into care from 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks etc and I'm sure they manage and adapt but I'm so anxious about this one week where we'll have to rely on nursery care for our son, and whether he'll be ok.
What do ECEProfessionals do when an infant comes into their care and becomes inconsolable? Do they call the parents to collect, or do they just do their best to soothe and calm them? Do you find at this age babies adjust (how long does it take?) and eventually enjoy their time away from their parents?
I'm hoping he is slightly more independent / okay to be separated from me by the time he's 4 months old, but I'm also conscious that he may begin to recognise who's who, and that will make it harder as he realises he's been left with 'strangers'.
Thanks in advance