It happened. I'm an idiot.

So, I'm a seller of collectibles. I mostly sell on Etsy but I started eBay last year. I've been reading these forums for a few weeks. I got a shipment of video games in on a good deal and decided to list them on eBay.

I've never had an INAD. I've read all of the horror cases on this forum, especially the warning that if someone asks a bunch of questions, they're normally a problem case.

Regardless, I had a user ask me a bunch of questions about one of the video games I listed. Now, this was a Switch game. I listed it as Like New. The user asked about the condition of the cartridge, saying he'd ordered games before that had marks on the cartridge. This particular cartridge had NO marks. I took pictures and sent them to the user. He asked a bunch of other random questions. I answered them.

This person just initiated an INAD saying there were stains on the cartridge. I've sent him a return label, and fortunately I have pictures of the cartridge that do NOT look like the ones he provided. I believe he's sending back a heavily used one. I will give the cartridge a fair look when I get it back, but based on what I saw in the images he sent, I plan on fighting it.

At any rate, I just want to reiterate. I answered the questions even though I've read the horror stories, and sent the item anyway. I shouldn't have. I completely ignored the warning signs.

So, this is another warning to everyone. Don't be like me. Go with your gut and just block these people! I did it anyway and got burned, and now I'm kicking myself. Lesson learned. Never again.