What do I ACTUALLY do about dairy (specifically fermented dairy)???
Nearly every source says the top two triggers for endo symptoms are gluten and dairy. I am already gluten-free, and eliminated most dairy, BUT I'm also dealing with gut/digestive issues (bloating, constipation) and I am always recommended to eat fermented dairy (yogurt, kefir). Most recently I've been reading about L. Reuteri yogurt that's apparently life-changing and I really want to try it, but I'm nervous to.
It's so insanely frustrating that I keep seeing so many oxymoronic opinions about dairy. Is it inflammatory or anti-inflammatory? If most dairy (milk/cheese) is inflammatory but yogurt/kefir is not, how could that be?? Do the probiotics really negate/outweigh the hormonal effects of the dairy? Or does the fermentation chemically change the hormonal composition or something like that?
I don't get any direct reactions after eating dairy, but then again, it seems like nearly everything gives me bloat, which I think is poor digestion. I haven't done any elimination diet, but I have been allergy tested and I have zero food allergies (including dairy and gluten).
For those of you with endo and gut issues, do you eat dairy yogurt/kefir or not and why?