What caused/triggered your endo?

Hi! I was wondering. How many of you developed endo symptoms "all of suden" in later life? I was perfectly healthy, my oeriods were heaven, no issues. Then I developed a HUGE h pylori infection, inflammation in my small intestine, candida in my gut, SIBO, complete dysbiosis, vaginal trush and BV 1.5 years straight. It was a nightmare. Got in under control after two years, healed my gut.. and then BOOM horrible stabing pain during ovulation from one side, period pain from hell, and now getting pain even randomly. Got diagnosed with DIE of Sacrouretal ligament and adhered ovary from an ultrasound (yes possibly more inside) Im 30. No kids. Perfectly healthy before the gut issues.

Somebody got something similar happed? The endo specialist im visiting noted that my case is unusual, that women get pain from early teen and then it gets just worse, or they are after a c section...
