Wondering if I might have Endo as well

My partner and I were trying to conceive and because he had quite some concerns about his „ability“ we got checked out right away. It turned out that our best chance would be IVF. We did three transfers but nothing ever implanted. So, I wanted to get more testing done and went for a hysteroscopy which came back normal with just a potentially mild inflammation of the uterus that got treated with doxycycline. Due to circumstances we kept collecting embryos (luckily) without transferring them. Next transfer was scheduled for April this year. Before that, I did an MRI of the abdomen (it was recommended by a friend) to check for adenomyosis due to my unexplained failed transfers. The MRI was analyzed by a specialist for adenomyosis and to my absolute surprise I was told I have adenomyosis. But not too bad. He put me on Ryeqo (1mg estradiol/0,5 norethisterone) and did another hysteroscopy 6 weeks into the treatment.

As he told me, he was shocked about what he found during the hysteroscopy because the MRI was not suggesting how bad it was. He said I only had a tunnel left and no triangular form anymore. He performed a adenomymomectomy. He then put me on 200mg yselty with no add back for another six weeks. Then I have another hysteroscopy how I reacted to the treatment.

This came to me as an even bigger shock. I never had any problems with my period. If there would have been no blood coming out of me I would not have noticed that I‘m on my period. Maybe a very light cramping the first day here and there but nothing else. Also a very light bleeding. 28 days to the point. No back pain, no bloating, no nothing.

The only two weird things that nobody ever could give me an explanation for was: After the transfer (it was a fresh transfer so I was loaded with hormones) and an orgasm (contraction) I thought my uterus is coming out of my body. I never felt something like this before. I was ready to go to the ER. It was the worst cramp ever. Lastet about 15mins then went away. The same happened to me in other cycles just not as bad, mainly when I took hormones for stimulation and always in the second half of the cycle. Second thing, my stool is often very soft, but whenever I took an antibiotic it became perfect. Other people get diarrhea, but for me it did wonders. This usually would last for three to four weeks and then get back to it being soft. Indicating there could be some inflammation going on down there. My diet is very healthy a d I have no confirmed allergies.

Now I‘m wondering if I have endometriosis as well since they both go hand in hand. The only option to really know is an operation. This would take up to 7months to get scheduled for. Also, I‘m not sure if it would change anything. We spent all our money in our existing embryos and due to my age, it probably won’t make sense to try another stimulation after that.

Does endometriosis play a role in implantation or keeping a pregnancy? Does any of the two unexplained „symptoms“ sound familiar to you? Did anybody else has endo but really nothing ever pointed out to it? Nothing was found on the MRI, how likely could Endo be in this case?

Thank you for reading and for any reply 🙏