Witnessing a seizure
I have been diagnosed with epilepsy for about 2 1/2 years now (started having seizures a little more than 3 years ago). I have grand mal seizures, and as I am not conscious or aware during these seizures, I haven’t seen what they look like (though I’ve heard from people who witness mine that they are terrifying/scary for them). My seizures have also never been recorded or anything, so the only reference I have for what a seizure looks like is the brief description I am given about my own as well as the dramatized seizure episodes on TV and movies.
However, when I was at a fair today, all of a sudden I heard a commotion and turned around to see a girl having a grand mal seizure on the ground. I got very overwhelmed as it was my first time seeing one and immediately my mind recognized that I may have looked like that when I was having mine. The staff took good care of her and followed proper protocol, but I still can’t get over it. I feel as though it made my epilepsy feel a lot more real. Before I was at least ignorant to what I may have looked like during it, and I have always avoided looking at peoples videos of them having seizures. But you can’t avoid it when it happens right in front of you.
This may be a stupid rant and who knows if it even makes sense but idk I’m just trying to process this. Has anyone else had a realization/experience similar to this?