Story time oh boy
I went to school one day and for some weird reason I was really eager to get back home and start grinding the battle pass so I drew a couple pictures to pass time. Unfourtunately those pictures contained le gasp guns so by the end of the school day I was pretty anxtious because sombody just HAD to be a jerk and snitch on me. on the walk home I tried everything I could do to stall taking detours left and right I even prayed a couple times. I thought that maybe i'd be grounded for a week or so and that it was'nt even that bad. a couple of hours later my mom got a call from the school it was basically all I really expected luckily I did'int get grounded but when dad got home things got serious he told me that I wouldint get fortnite back in a looooooooooonnnnnnggg time so my dumb @$$ thought that I couldint get it untill i was 21 so I decided to sneak it anyway, to sum it up i got caught like 8 or 7 times and to this day i still cant play it and that really sucks because fortnitemares is coming out so i'm gonna miss that but i'll be here for winterfest! Godbye hope to see you all next time!