Ballistic and community
At the basic the mode would be fun, I find it simple and intuitive, without too many things that can "ruin" the gaming experience, and I also find the map itself works well in this type of mode (obviously waiting for them to add others). There is a big problem though, a huge problem that makes the mode frustrating and unplayable: the mode is designed to be played 5v5, I think I have played at least twenty public and competitive games and in each of these it was almost impossible not to finish the game with 2 or 3 per team, including those who leave for no reason at the start of the game , between those who exit while losing a round or even winning a round... why all this? it is not something random but a common movement by a large part of the community. I simply hope, as the days pass, that only those who want to play this mode in a suitable way remain to play.