This show has no plot holes
After watching quite a few CW shows (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Superman and Lois), post Endgame time travel trauma and Dragonball super, fighting a literal god with a sword made from “the power of friendship” I got really fucking tired of plot holes and plot convenience and the the person with the most power being the writer.
Watching From and continuously expecting a plot hole like the kimono woman being filler, how Martin threw a rope, the BIW and Victor and Sara becoming forgotten for plot convenience. I have never been happier to have been proven wrong and more pleasantly surprised at how everything was resolved in s3.
This has genuinely been a nice change of pace from trying to make sense of ridiculous fan theories trying to stitch up plot holes and I just enjoyed the story telling of the show and creepy gorey vibe of the show. My only hope is that they stick to the childrens nursery rhymes gimmick because creepy looking children sending scary and dramatic messages as a riddle mixed in to a nursery rhyme melody reminds me of penny wise just a bit and fuck that clown still haunts me to this day. I love it!
This is also my first post on this sub :)