No more 3rd person glitch?
I just wanna start off by saying: what the hell? Like I understand that glitches and bugs need to be fixed but I think that Ubisoft really should have seen an opportunity in this. To make it a feature. Take this article for example: A LOT of games took inspiration off of glitches and have made improvements to their games because of them. The only reason that Ubisoft devs probably found out about the glitch was either YouTube or this Reddit and all of the posts I’ve seen about it are people ENJOYING IT! A LOT! So why take it away from us? I’m sure that Ubisoft is aware of how many people dislike that we are forced to play this game is 1st person and a lot of people have vocalized that they would prefer the game to have to ability to go 3rd person. AND WE HAD THAT! It also strikes me as kinda redundant because wouldn’t they sell a lot more armor set cosmetics if you could idk…actually be able to see them? Anyone else kinda upset?
Edit: just wanna clarify something. I do understand this game was advertised and sold as a 1st person game. Of course I know that. I’m 100 hours in. But let’s say you go to the Cheese Cake Factory and you order a chocolate cheese cake with icing and nothing else. The delicious cheese cake comes out as you ordered it, but it turns out, the chef accidentally added tasty sprinkles on top of what you ordered. You say “oh okay this isn’t what I ordered, but I still like tasty sprinkles” so you dig in. But as soon as you dig in you notice a hair in your cake. You ask the waiter to take it back to the chef to fix it. You see that the cake comes back out not only without the sprinkles, but you still notice the exact same hair in it. A long analogy but that’s how I felt. People still aren’t getting their ikran skins (the hair) but Ubisoft took off the sprinkles (3rd person mode). Still, love this game tho, I’m playing it right now.