Heroes vs Villains (collecting habits)
(To get to the point do you collect more hero’s figures or Villian figures? Is your ratio even or skewed?)
Last week I was Looking through my collection of Gi Joe classified, Marvel legends, and a few Star Wars black series I noticed that I tend to collect more hero’s.
With Classified I only have 2-3 cobra troopers and I’m sure one is the officer. Then I have a few Vipers from the 3 packs I think I have two sets. But my main Villain troops are Crimson Guard, crimson bats and Crimson vipers..
With Gi Joe I have Atleast 6 grunts, stalkers,and Dusty each. With head swaps to make different troopers (Green shirts, desert, ect)
I also have an expanded tiger force, and night force with close or maybe over 10 in each team. Plus a team of OG characters, snakeyes has his own squad random stuff like that..
I seem to lean towards the joes. I do have a bunch of cobra characters but they are easier to skip for me.
Marvel legends is the same I have way more Heroes then Villains unless they were cheap or characters I actually specifically like it’s easy to skip on villains..
Don’t get me wrong I have a bunch of villains but in a large collection my ratio is off. In a war the hero’s would obliterate the villains..