Baby is measuring normal at 36 weeks. Doctors still keep mentioning induction.
I went in for an ultrasound today at exactly 36w and baby is measuring around 5.7lbs or 18th percentile. They said she’s measuring at 35 weeks size. I know it’s not completely accurate. Everything else- fluid levels, baby heartbeat, my blood pressure etc looks great
My fasting numbers have been slightly high some days, ranging between 90-105. Because of this, my doctor is worried and keeps mentioning induction at 39 weeks. I asked multiple times why this was necessary if everything else looks normal and she could not give me an answer besides that it’s standard to do this when fasting numbers are higher than normal. I asked if she’s concerned about baby being too small, and she said no.
Has anyone been in this position? I really want to avoid induction if it’s not medically necessary and I can’t figure out why they are pushing for it. What’s the point of forcing her out early if she’s perfectly fine and thriving? Just looking for moral support and anyone who can speak from past experience