“Bad” Fasting sugars / what was your birth outcome?

Just when I think I’ve got it figured out i end up with a series of high fasting sugars days. I thought I had cracked the code with apple cider vinegar, magnesium, and vitamin D paired with high protein bedtime snack… then the past 3 days I’ve had my highest fasting numbers yet (100-110). My diabetes team is recommending nighttime insulin. My midwife is gently and respectfully suggesting that since my daytime numbers are well managed with diet and exercise there isn’t enough evidence to suggest that I “need” insulin. After all, if it’s still only 20% of my readings that are high (morning only), it’s technically in range. Has anyone declined insulin for fasting sugars alone? Did you have a giant baby with a bunch of problems? Note also the only way I keep my daytime numbers in check is with far lower carbs than is recommended. But it works for me.

My hesitation with insulin is the cascade of birth interventions that come along with it.