Actual hot takes for every ye album

tcd- Never let me down is the best song and ye's 2nd most underrated, two words and last call are both very overrated (still good songs though)

Lr- Crack music is by far the worst song (not sure if this is really a hot take), dfsl with jay z is bottom 5 on the album (solo version is top 3 though)

Grad-The glory is awful, good night> good morning

808s- Pinocchio story is ye's most underrated song by far and fs his most emotional song (not sure if i'd really consider this a hot take though)

Mbdtf- Ye has the only good verse on monster (nicki's weird vocal inflections/ accents are annoying asf), litw is top 2 on the album with diand (not super hot)

Wtt- Made in america is the best song by far and it's not even close, why i love you is ye's worst outro and this is also not close

Yeezus- The only thing i can really say is send it up is not bottom 2 on the album, that king louie verse is tuff asl

Tlop- NMPILA is ye's most overrated song by far, 30 hours is also pretty overrated

Ye- violent crimes is just okay, itaky is top 3 on the album

Ksg- the first 3 tracks is easily the best 3 track run on the album

Jik- This album has no misses (not sure how hot this take is), selah and on god are fs the best songs and both might be top 25-30 ye

Donda- Fs ye's best album (this take isn't that hot anymore tbf), jail is top 2 on the album, none of the pt 2's including deluxe are better than the part 1's

Donda 2- Not really a released album but it would've been top 3-4 ye if it was finished, too easy would be top 10 ye

V1- Has multiple top 20 ye songs (stars and do it), back to me would've been top 5-10 if ye actually rapped

V2- idek what to say really, this album is fs a 0/10 solely for the ai usage