Can’t live like this
I don’t know how anyone lives with this virus without absolute fear of transmission.
Not only do I have GHSV2 that is also coming up on my thighs - for that I use gloves to go to the toilet, use a toilet seat cover then wipe down the toilet after I’ve used it.
I have it orally, either I caught it orally or gave it myself orally but I’ve had constant itching and tingling all around my face my lips and my nose with things constantly coming up on my face, not necessarily coldsores (other than 2 on the sides of my mouth) but red spots around my mouth, below my nose and on my forehead. And my eye twitches.
My hands are constantly tingling but I don’t necessarily get a whitlow on the finger as a blister but tiny little cuts and tiny blisters on the palms and top of my hands so I’m scared to touch anything because I’m afraid I’m putting virus on to surfaces that someone else Is going to then touch it and contract it.
Im staying with my mum and im petrified that my saliva is on the cup or virus from my hand that my mum then picks up or saliva is going on to my hand and im then going to put it on to a surface that she then touches or she’s going to get it from touching my clothes when she is washing them or it’s somewhere that I’ve sat or it’s going to be in the shower after I’ve showered. Or it’s on a door handle or light switch that I’ve touched and she then touches. Or it’s on a tap that I’ve used because it’s survives longer in wet moist environments.
I take daily antiviral Acyclovir and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything - I am petrified of everything because there’s different studies and different information online on how long it can live on surfaces or cups etc.
I don’t feel like I can ever live a normal life again without being scared.