Looking for advise
I've spent the last week going over this subreddit and other forums trying to understand the best practices for hair transplant and the best places to get one. From what I can deduce I'm in pretty bad shape compared to a lot of other people who post on this sub. I'm just looking for honest advise regarding the likely hood that a good transplant is achievable. I'm 31 years old.
I guess I would be considered NW5a or NW6 hair?
I know I would need a shit done of grafts but any idea on how many?
After looking at a few other people posts I'm guessing upwards of 7k grafts?
I haven't taken any medicine or topical for hair loss yet. Should I start that first?
Would I need multiple surgery's to get achieve a fuller look on the top? I don't really care about the hairline as much because I just keep my bangs.
My hair is short on the sides in the pictures because I just got a haircut but normally it's much thicker , I can update the pics when it grows again. My hair usually grows pretty fast.
As of right now I am strongly considering going to Fuecapilar to see either Dr. Turan or Dr. Gur in Istanbul as they are seen as reputable from what I see others mention on forums. I have messaged them on what's app for consultation. Is this a good choice based on the condition of my hair right now?
Thank you for any and all responses!