Need some advice to salvage my hair, please :)
Haven’t taken care of my hair, nor gotten any trimming done for a few years.
These are taken this morning after I did a olaplex treatment consisting of:
Olaplex #3, #4, #5, and #7 for the ends.
I currently am using a dermaroller and twice daily minoxidil for the balding that’s happening on the front sides. I always wear headphones due to sensory issues, so the top of my scalp is balding it seems from that. Everywhere but the top scalp is thick hair.
I would appreciate some advice and suggestions on what else I should do for my hair. I know I’ll probably need a decent trimming, and that’s okay with me but I want to salvage what I can. Last photo is after I used a wet brush to brush it back and make it look semi-presentable. Also, any tips for styling? I’ve always had short hair and this is the longest it has been. Front hair goes down to the end of my chin, back hair goes down to mid-shoulders.
Thank you for reading, and thank you all in advance for any tips, tricks, advice, or anything to be honest.