smelly vagina and butt (forever)

Edit: no I'm not making it out to be more than it is, I dont have a mental illness, and yes others have smelt it and said it's really bad when I've shown them. No one smells me just randomly around the house because i mask it well. Others have said its very strong thay they can smell it easily when i show them, it really is THAT BAD. So please stop asking this! Thank you

I have great hygiene. I've tried underwear and no underwear. I've tried boric acid. I've done gut cleanses everything. I'm a little overweight but even when I was really skinny I've always had such a bad smell coming from both ends. When I wash I use unscented soaps and obviously don't go inside. As well as with my butt I had to wash nearly 6 times for there to be barely any smell. As soon as I get out of the shower I can still smell both but especially my backside. During sex it makes me very uncomfortable and I'm EXTREMELY conscious about it. Everytime I go to the obgyn I test negative for everything. In general everywhere on me has an odor whether it's bad or neutral. Under my breasts has a particular sweat smell. The only thing that doesn't smell bad is my breath and my armpits surprisingly. I know this sounds funny but my vagina smells like a wet dog with vinegar. And after I put my pants on after a shower I can smell it through them like an hour afterwards. I obsess everyday all day about it. I know a vagina doesn't smell like roses and neither does a butt but mine is severe. I've done the yoni before as well. This has been going on forever and I cannot live with it anymore I have no idea what to do and I'll try literally anything. I know what normal vaginas smell like even when they smell "bad" and it smells fine. When I sit up off a couch I have to slowly get up and turn away so no one smells me and you can smell it coming off the couch. Like why??? I cry about it all of the time