Who do you worship and Why?

✨Hi All, Just wanted to ask who do you all worship and why do you worship them, like were you all fascinated by them as children so on and so forth? ✨

I'll start off first: ☀️🍷 As an Oracle of both Apollon and Dionysus, I mainly worship the two of them as I made my sworn devotion to them as part of becoming an Official Oracle. What made me choose to go down this path is that it felt right in my heart to do so and Dionysus & Apollon have provided me a safe haven, a sense of security and comfort within the two like a home. As part of my role, I have to deliver their messages and channel them aswell as teach/guide those that may need it but I also honour their family too.

Before I swore my oath, I was a devoted follower to Thanatos, Hades, Persephone, Aphrodite (My Matron Diety) , Helios, and Achilles but to this day I still honour them as part of my practice.