About the age gap... [P5, up through V11]

So, especially considering a recent conversation I had with a friend about the series, I know that from the outside perspective the age gap/"underage" thing between Ferdinand and Rozemyne might be eyebrow-raising to say the least.

Personally, though, I can't ever forget that Rozemyne has near-complete recollection of 22 years of life experience before she became Myne. So, combined with her 6-8 years of life as Roze/Myne (depending on whether one counts the years spent in the jureve) I think of her as 28-30 years old compared to Ferdinand's 25ish years of age. Like, no one except Ferdinand (and Lutz and Sylvester, to a lesser extent) knows about her past life and therefore everyone else considers her a 13-14 year old, but... she's not? She might be short-sighted in some respects and still not fully used to the rules of the new society she finds herself in, but she really is much older than she looks.

In short: the age gap doesn't bother me.