Somebody make this make sense please

My mare considered dangerous by some 😅 Is very dramatic in the work. We had our ups and downs. I came from getting on with tears in my eyes because I was so scared to actually enjoying our rides.

It has been two steps forward one step back. She used to back up , rear and buck and I couldn’t move her anywhere in the arena. Now we have full arena days and days I need to cut a corner out somewhere.

The riding is good. She learns as if she knows the names of the movements. She leg yielded like a Grand Prix horse the first time I asked her. Shoulder in shoulder out. Extended trot. Trot halt trot. But some days she is really hard to ride again and spots ghosts everywhere.

HOWEVER we went out on a hack. In the little movie she was behind a horse but for 60% of the walk she was in front. And she was a rockstar! Went past dogs jumping into hedges, tractors , unrespectfull speeding cars … you name it she went passed it.

How can she be so scared of things she has seen a million times before… and be so brave outside ? Make it make sense to me 😅