Question about churches

Hi all! We have our twins via IVF, we have MFI from obstructive azoospermia, and are also spiritual/religious I would say. We’ve been apart of our current church for almost 5 years but we haven’t been happy. There’s another local church that we’ve enjoyed the company of those who go there, I’m in a toddler mom group with etc.

Now for the question. We have wanted to go and maybe make the switch or investigate it, however they are SBC. For those of you who are SBC or Catholic where they don’t condone IVF and say it’s unethical have you had any issues going to a church like that? We have embryos left, plan for a 3rd if it works, but we don’t plan to use all our embryos or put them up for adoption. We also are open about IVF because it is such a blessing from God.

Please give me your stories, advice and thoughts!

We also really would like to be plugged into a church so leaving church completely isn’t for us. Our church just went through some big changes, lacks empathy and honestly I’d never invite anyone so hence it’s time to part.