Quebec spousal sponsorship questions
Hi everyone,
Me and my fiancé live in Quebec. We were planning to apply for spousal sponsorship end of next year but things changed because of the recent announcement of cap.
So we are trying to figure out how long it will take to get undertaking application approved by Quebec MIFI. We are assuming the undertaking application cap will be reached by summer next year(I know this is just a blind guess but I doubt if it'll take more than an year to reach the cap, so we set our deadline to June 2025). My visa expires in Nov 2025 and we don't want to waste our time/money if we are going to end up getting refused.
So first question is how long does it usually take to get the letter/package from IRCC so we can move on to the next step and submit an application to MIFI? Also, is this letter AOR? Or are they different?
Secondly, is there any website I can look into to see how many undertaking application are accepted per year in Quebec?