I am 18M and for context it was sports day in our school and i was in a football match so after the match i ofc had to change, as everyone was on the ground so the changing room was empty and noone was around ,😭 dont judge me i didnt care and got naked to change comfortably but you KNOW WHAT then i saw 5 girls watching me😭😭😭 they were my frends who literally planned it and knew .but they said they didnt think i wud get completely naked😭😭😭but i dont know they literally took pics too 😭 and this is not the worst thing that happened, i froze guys dont judge me how they literally took all my clothes and ran from there💀💀💀💀I literally didnt know how to react i was laughing with them but not when they toook everything 💀💀and ran i was practically naked in school, then I thought if i stay here all the guys will come here and that wud be worse in my opinion cuz they wud bully the fuck outta me, so i decided to go to a room where they keeep towels and all , i had to walk naked in corridors brooo well atleast they were empty for the most parts ,but what i am about to say is not real guys idk i feel like this was a set up cuz my crush and her frends came in my way😭😭😭and i hellnooo i didnt know what to do i panicked so hard i even forgot to hide it with my hands😭😭😭 before anything wud happen i obv ran from there but i heard my crush say sum🧍she said “why are you walking around with your pickle dangling” and they all laughed🧍. Yea i reached the towel place and in some mins they came and gave everything back i surely regret even getting out of there. Girls i just wanna know if u were my crush what wud u think abt me and do like it wasnt my mistake what sud i do abt it😭😭😭
EDIT . This didnt happen now its been months and i got the courage to vent abt it now😭😭 some online frend told reddit pe share. And its real i can give proofs of chats dont fucking ask for pic wtf and if u dont beleive its ok but those who do tell me gals pov cuz i really wanna know mera image ka kya hua😭😭😭😭
TLDR. My frends pranked me which ended up to me getting naked in school💀💀💀