Farmers is stupidly high wtf man.

Im a captive in an agency, my agent is good, she gives me any refferal she has to do quotes for and she talks to them. She buys me leads from everquote. She trains and provides all the scripts and tools for me to do quotes easily. She makes sure im doing my work (not forgetting to follow up with certain leads and such). And its pretty good imo since ive never done a job like this before or know what normal jobs are about.

But jesus christ. Why the hell is farmers stupidly high? Im ALWAYS higher. The only time im lower is when they barely shopped around. And not like 50-100 higher. Im double triple the price for the same coverage. If they pay 80, farmers is 250-300. If they pay 200, farmers is at 500-600. Monthly.

Its been 4 months. These prices baffle me.