am i doing university wrong?
Currently studying my masters in the UK and its almost going to be summer in 2 months. However, I am disappointed with how things are going.
I am friendless in a new country. Have no proper friends from neither my home country/native ethnicity nor international friends. Flatmates are nice but they are also in their own world. One person I know bailed on me to hang out. Invited this one for dinner before. Awkward and not the most social person either so didn't have many friends back home.
Got rejected from this graduate scheme job thing thanks to psychometric round. Although it was relatively basic maths but I suck at it especially with timed exams. Not getting part time work (some of it is my fault though). Worried about my employment potential. Wouldn't mind doing courses but broke.
Got decentish grades last time but this time I'm not sure.
On a waitlist for uni therapy sessions but no response yet.
Constantly depressed because of all of this.
The only earning parent is retiring this winter and I have taken loan for my education. I want to pay back with British pounds since it's stronger but need a job.
I think I have done uni wrong. Also, is my life even worth living?