Any indicators for ic in blood work?
Randomly one night early april I just started having to pee all the time. Now going on two months I have urgency, feel bloated and heavy especially below, occasional dull back pain that radiates to my thighs, loss of appitite like i have to smoke weed to eat at all, heavy periods, mucus or discharge(i cant tell which one) in pee/cloudy pee, and severe malaise. Doctors have pretty much rulled out any type of infection. CT scan and abdominal ultrasound showed no kidney stones. I've just been referred for a transvaginal aultrasound to check for fibroids but my doctor thinks it might be a mix of fibroids and ic.
Are their any common indicators in blood tests that suggest ic. All my blood work is perfect. The soonest i could get a urology appointment is in September and I think I'll go crazy by then.
Also second question, I followed the ic diet for two weeks and saw no improvement. Is that to short to see results?