Not sure if these packs are fake

I was really into Pokemon when it first started when I was a kid, but I fell off after the second generation. I started delving back into Pokemon cards recently to see what was happening. I don’t take it super seriously at this point and my knowledge basically ends after Pokemon silver.

There’s a store by my house in Queens, NY that has a good amount of packs that I pick up from time to time. I am seeing on the internet that retail stores are selling out constantly, but this independently owned general store has a good amount.

The packs always looked fine to me on the surface. Today I got 3 packs and was curious if there are any red flags regarding these.

***The Paldea Evolved one jumped out at me today as the way the front is printed it looks blurry to me - the other two packs look very clear.

I will open them, but wanted to gauge first impressions.