Kylie 50 + 1

recently discovered the kylie 50 + 1 album and i’m really happy i did. i consider myself a kylie fan- not quite a stan- but i’m ashamed at how many songs i had skipped over from her earlier albums! so i’m definitely gonna do a full re-listen through this year.

something about this specific collection of songs feels really joyful, and ballads, pop and her more house-y stuff is perfectly blended into this neat little mix.

i know there’s not a lot to say about this as it’s just a megamix of her first few albums- but it’s really good! and it’s great for working out to. it’s a shame it wasn’t released later on as i think some of the songs from self titled would have been perfect additions.

are there are more updated mixes like this out there? i’d love to hear them. what does everyone think of this album?