How do I manage my intense emotions in an LDR with a busy partner and past attachment issues?
My partner has been really busy lately, and I understand that, but I can't help but miss them. I think my past attachment issues amplify this since whenever they don't text me atleast once a day, even if it's only once a day, it leaves me anxious, missing them, and overthinking. I need to be able to get through this otherwise I might go insane. They sometimes do respond, but it'll be a while again before they text again, and that's prolly what frustrates me a lot, I guess the inconsistent communication. Like yes, I do understand they have their own circumstances and problems to deal with that doesn't involve me, and it's prolly not my fault, or theirs, and they still prolly love me, but the inconsistency just sets me off.
Can you guys give me advice on how to deal with my intense emotions? While being able to address my past attachment issues so I can move forward instead of having to cry every night? I hope to get through these frustrating times, while still maintaining my connection with them, and also improving myself along the way.
PS: for this week, I'll try limiting talking to them so I can better focus on myself.